

??? 题 目:Strategic learning in SLA: Reopening the research agenda

??? 主讲人:顾永琦

??? 时 间:5月21日(周五)下午14:00

??? 地 点:南区4号楼311学术报告厅

??? 主讲人简介:

??? 顾永琦博士(Gu Yongqi),亚洲英语教学学报(Asian Journal of English Language Teaching)主编,新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学和应用语言学系博士生导师,北京外国语大学国家外语教育研究中心兼职研究员。

??? 教育背景:香港大学博士、香港中文大学硕士、北京师范大学学士。

??? 工作经历:曾供职于北京师范大学、香港教育学院、香港岭南大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学。

??? 研究领域:学习策略、词汇学习、语言测试、语言政策。

??? Second language acquisition (SLA) is at best haphazard without the learner’s active engagement in the learning process. Over the decades, we have seen applied linguists suggesting the right amount of comprehensible input, opportunities for output, corrective feedback, task-based presentation, and contextual scaffolding in the classroom. But after all these, the only thing teachers can do is to wait and hope that learners will notice the patterns or automatically activate their implicit learning mechanisms. While these might happen, the central thesis behind language learner strategies (LLS) research is that learners, and teachers, can play a much more active role in managing and controlling the learning process, and thereby maximising the outcomes of learning.

??? After 30 years of hard work, LLS researchers have accumulated a critical mass of knowledge for applied linguists and language teachers to digest. It is now timely and critical to identify and reflect upon the various issues that have emerged across decades. At the same time, there is a widely felt waning of enthusiasm in the field. This presentation attempts to reassert the central role of strategic learning in the SLA process, review 30 years of research on language learning strategies and learner autonomy, reflect upon the critiques of LLS research, and outline a new research agenda that I hope will bring forth theoretical depth, empirical rigor, and practical utility.

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???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 外国语学院 科技处

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2010年5月12日



